Friday, January 27, 2012

Day One at home

My mother in-law told me today "welcome to parenthood"
The reason is because last night was Elyse's first night home and she sleep during the day since we got home yesterday @ about 1:00 in the afternoon. But wow it seemed like last night Elyse was waking up every hour on the hour. Which in turn made Camille and me TIRED, much more Camille than me.
Then we were all awake at about 9:30 had some breakfast and I went to work.
That was the worst part of my day the fact that I had to leave my baby girl and go to work.
Same thing tomorrow, its going to suck and tomorrow will be longer.
After I came home Camille and I were feeding Elyse and trying to put together her genealogy. That went bad I was misspelling my Grandfather's name as well as putting my father's name in the wrong spot. I said to myself...
"self, maybe you're tired" hint hint. So Camille and I laid down and gave Elyse the chance to have some Grandma time.
Then after a while Grandma and Camille went to go get some dinner for us all, and left Daddy home with Elyse.
This was the Result..........

Events for tomorrow

In the morning Elyse has a Doctors appointment @ 0845 with the Pediatrician, Doctor O'Very.
So again no sleep....    Then @ 1000 I have to leave my baby girl and go to work.  VERY SAD DAY.

Wish us luck we'll let you know.

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